blended learning, online learning, digital transformation of education, digital didacticsAbstract
Annotation. The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have revealed the shortcomings of distance learning, which is why using it as a basic form of learning in basic educational programs has become not entirely effective. The most promising form of organizing the educational process in the conditions of its digital transformation is mixed learning, which involves alternating online and face-to-face learning formats. The content field and components of the concept of "blended learning" are characterized. Through mixed learning, we understand educational technology with mandatory components, which include contact classes of students with teachers, distance classes containing online communication between the teacher and students, and independent educational work of students, which is effectively organized by teachers. Pedagogical aspects of mixed learning related to its organization and implementation in an educational institution in the joint activity of the teacher and students of education are considered. An analysis of existing approaches to the selection and classification of blended learning models has been carried out. The typology of mixed learning models, which are implemented at different levels: the curriculum, the educational subject, the educational session, and the out-of-class learning technology, are substantiated. It is noted that blended learning models have their own name, and a certain internal integrity and mostly fit into one or another scientific theory. Six models of blended learning are described, which are widely presented by domestic scientists. The proposed typology is based on the joint work of a network of experimental sites. The relationship between the proposed typology of organizational and didactic models of blended learning with other typologies and separate models presented in foreign and domestic publications is shown. The problems of the typology of blended learning models were elaborated and their systematic justification was carried out. A set of criteria for delineating and considering one or another model of blended learning is singled out. It was concluded that technological and pedagogical aspects are combined in blended learning; the use of mixed models of education requires different approaches to the selection and development of educational content, educational materials and their means; the presented typology of blended learning models is an important component of the new digital didactics.
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