HUMANITARIAN STUDIES: HISTORY AND PEDAGOGY <p>HUMANITARIAN STUDIES: history and pedagogy</p> <p>English version</p> en-US (Oksana Homotiuk) (Andrii Kolesnikov) Mon, 11 Nov 2024 19:12:35 +0000 OJS 60 THE INFLUENCE OF BYZANTIUM ON THE ORTHODOXY OF KYIVAN RUS AND OLD RUSSIAN HAGIOGRAPHY <p><strong><em>Abstract.</em></strong><em> Byzantium as a state existed for twelve centuries. More than a thousand years have passed since its inception and before Constantinople was taken by the Turks in 1453. In it, an independent socio-cultural version of the Christian faith, called "orthodoxy", was established and developed. The historical purpose of Byzantium was to adapt Christianity to the social and spiritual characteristics of the peoples who inhabited the lands east of Rome. Among her spiritual finds were several Slavic peoples and states. One of the spiritual "daughters" of Byzantium fell to Kyivan Rus. The set of properties and features that Russia inherited from Byzantium was named by the generalized term - Byzantium. Among the achievements that Russia inherited from the same Byzantium is the well-known principle of symphony, which means a special closeness of relations between the Church and the state. Initiated by the political doctrine and social strategy of the emperor Justinian I (483-565, ruled 527-565), it arose in the form of Caesaropapism, that is, the actual fusion of two branches of power: secular and spiritual, under different, from mild to brutal, forms of dominance of the first over the other</em></p> <p><em>It should also include hagiography, which is a well-known part of the ancient Russian written heritage, which was one of the main literary genres. Imitation of the Byzantine hagiographical canon (which manifested itself in the use of well-known language means, features of the words used, certain syntactic structures, peculiar stylistic conventions) makes it possible to talk about the stereotype of the genre created in the traditions of the Byzantine preaching life. In general, hagiographic literature occupies a special place in the genre system of Ancient Russia, demonstrating an excellent example of highly moral literature.</em></p> Mykhailo YURIY, Nazar KHRISTAN Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ACTIVITIES OF RAIDING GROUPS OF THE UIA IN THE TERRITORY OF THE KAMIANETS-PODILSKYI REGION IN 1943–1944 <p><strong>Abstract</strong>. <em>The article is devoted to the study of raids by Ukrainian insurgent army</em><em> (</em><em>UIA) </em><em>&nbsp;divisions on the territory of Kamianets-Podilskyi region in 1943–1944 and is part of the vector of research on large-scale raids on the territory of Soviet Ukraine with the aim of expanding the network of </em><em>UIA</em><em>-East groups and raising an anti-Bolshevik uprising. Considering the fact that in historiography it was known about the existence of derivative groups, only after accessing the archives and digitizing the array of documents and materials, it became possible to outline their scale, which reached as far as the town of Dzhankoy in the south and the Don River in the east. Moreover, the theme of the national liberation movement was constantly discredited by racist propaganda and their agents inside Ukraine. The Russian-Ukrainian war and the victories of the Ukrainians in this war logically strengthen society's demand for research into the problems of the liberation movement.</em></p> <p><em>It is natural that recently the number of qualitative studies on the subject has increased significantly, one of the reasons is the significant source base and the number of scientific centres. Worthy of attention are the materials of the Organization of Ukrainian nationalists</em><em> (</em><em>OUN</em><em>)</em><em> archive, the edition of the Chronicle of the </em><em>UIA</em><em>, the works of V. Horbatyuk, N. Myzak, P. Mirchuk, I. Patrilyak, V. Serhiychuk, L. Shankovsky and many other authors.</em></p> <p><em>Such developments of historiography, multiplied by the source material, make it possible to highlight the scale of the raids of the UIA departments, to analyse their purpose, organizational features, and the results of their conduct.</em></p> <p><em>The reasons for the raids lie in the OUN's concept of restoring Ukraine's independence in its ethnic borders and their approbation after the act of restoring Ukraine's independence on June 30, 1941, and the first migration groups to the east. Such activities were eliminated by the repressive bodies of the Soviet Union with the movement of the front to the west, therefore, after the creation of the UIA, the leadership of the OUN repeated this attempt. Kamianets-Podilskyi region was located immediately near the epicenter of OUN activity in Halychyna and Volyn, through which two major routes passed. The tasks of the derivative groups were reconnaissance, establishment of communication channels, underground apartments, recruitment of new recruits into the ranks of the UIA, development of the youth movement, and educational activities among both the youth and the adult population. It should be noted that from the very beginning of the raids from 1943 to April 1944, the UIA units successfully fought not only against the Nazi occupation forces, but also against the Soviet occupation forces. By the decision of R. Shukhevich, in 1944, the Podilsk Regional District was created as part of the Ternopil, Chortkiv, and Kamianets-Podilsky Districts.</em></p> Oleksandr KOMARNITSKY Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE CAST IRON INDUSTRY OF PERIGORD (FRANCE) AND A FIREPLACE STOVE IN THE «PROTECTION SYSTEM» OF AN EARLY MODERN HOUSE (LATE 15TH – FIRST HALF OF THE 16TH CENTURY) <p><strong><em>А</em></strong><strong><em>bstract. </em></strong><em>The article is dedicated to the study of the iron industry in the Périgord region of France in the late 15th to the first half of the 16th century, with a focus on the production of firebacks and their role in the home protection system during the Early Modern period. The research includes an analysis of the technological aspects of iron production in Europe and Périgord, specifically from the extraction of raw materials to the casting and finishing of the final products. Special attention is paid to the study of the fireback as an integral part of the home's interior at that time, serving not only as a source of heat but also playing an important role in protecting the home from fire and other external threats. The work examines the social and economic conditions that contributed to the development of the iron industry in France, including the impact of scientific discoveries and technical innovations, which led to increased quality and productivity in production. The cultural context of fireback use is also analyzed: its symbolic meaning, decorative elements, and aesthetic preferences, which reflected the social status and worldview of the owners. The study shows how the iron industry of Périgord fit into the broader European context of the time, reflecting both general trends and local features of metallurgical development. The article contributes to the understanding of the complex processes that influenced the development of the iron industry in Early Modern Europe and highlights the importance of the fireback as part of the «protection system» of the home, combining functional, cultural, and aesthetic aspects. Based on a wide range of sources, including archaeological finds, graphic materials, and written testimonies, the work provides a multifaceted view of the development of this important sector of the era’s material culture.</em></p> Taras BATENKO Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MILITARY COOPERATION OF THE JEWISH POPULATION OF GALICIA WITH THE WEST UKRAINIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC (1918–1923) <p><strong><em>Abstract.</em></strong> <em>This article examines a little-known topic of both Ukrainian history and European history - the participation of the Jewish population of Eastern Galicia (now – the western part of Ukraine) in the development and combat operations of the Galician Army (Ukra</em><em>i</em><em>nska Halyts'ka armiia, UHА), which was created in 1918 by the authorities of the West Ukrainian People's Republic (Zakhidno Ukra</em><em>i</em><em>nska Narodna Respublika, ZUNR). It also discusses the attitude of Galician Jews towards the emergence of the Ukrainian state and the armed confrontation between Ukrainians and Poles for control of this territory. The article draws on archival documents, memories, and research to clarify the reasons for the appearance of Jewish soldiers in the Ukrainian army, discuss the most famous Jewish service members of the UHA, and analyse the post-war fate of many Jewish militaries of the Ukrainian army. These facts are little known to researchers of the history of Central-Eastern Europe and have not yet been introduced into scientific circulation.</em></p> Oleh STETSYSHYN Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 YEVHEN OLESNYTSKYI – THE GUIDE OF THE UKRAINIAN PEASANTRY <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong>. <em>The peculiarities of the functioning of the </em><em>«</em><em>Silskyi Hospodar</em><em>»</em><em> society from its foundation to reorganization have been tracked. The circumstances of the leadership of the society by Y.&nbsp;Olesnytskyi in 1909 and its reconstruction on new foundations as a representative institution of the Ukrainian peasantry are analyzed. The role of the first agricultural exhibition in Eastern Galicia in the reformation of </em><em>«</em><em>Silskyi Hospodar</em><em>»</em><em> is shown. The new tasks of the institution's activities and prospects for the development of the institution, proposed by its head Y.&nbsp;Olesnytskyi, were studied.</em></p> <p><em>Emphasis is placed on the facts of the </em><em>«</em><em>Silskyi Hospodar</em><em>»</em><em> receiving state subsidies as financial compensation for Galician-Ukrainian peasants for unfair international trade agreements. The main aspects of the activity of the association headed by Y.&nbsp;Olesnytskyi in the direction of reorganization of animal husbandry, agriculture, rivers regulation, etc. have been determined. The work of the </em><em>«</em><em>Silskyi Hospodar</em><em>»</em><em> in providing Galician-Ukrainian peasants with means of production, fodder, seeds, as well as measures for the sale of agricultural products, was studied</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em>The effectiveness of the institution is shown through its implementation of such management functions as control and accounting of the activities of branches, careful management of records, improvement of the charter, provision of a clear organizational and administrative structure, cooperation with other state economic organizations, etc. The plans of the chairman of the </em><em>«</em><em>Silskyi Hospodar</em><em>»</em><em> association Y.&nbsp;Olesnytskyi for the post-war economic reconstruction of the region have been recorded.</em></p> Inna MARKIV, Oksana HOMOTUK Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PECULIARITIES OF THE FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL MATURITY IN FUTURE SPECIALISTS OF THE SOCIOECONOMIC PROFILE <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> <em>The article describes the peculiarities of the formation and development of social maturity in future specialists of the socioeconomic profile, which include specialists in social work, social educators, psychologists, and medical professionals. The purpose of the study is specified in the tasks aimed at analysing research related to the disclosure of the content of the concept of "social maturity of the individual"; identifying the components of social maturity of students; presenting the stages of formation and development of social maturity in future specialists in socio-economic professions in the educational process of educational institutions of different accreditation levels. It has been established that social maturity is an integrative quality of a personality, in which the components are social activity, tolerance, orientation to spiritual values, reflection, creativity, and social responsibility. It is emphasized that the level of social status can be an integral criterion of the social maturity of an individual. Attention is focused on the period of studenthood (18–23 years) as the most favourable for young people to achieve a high level of social maturity, since during this period self-determination is based on stable interests and aspirations, is based on the worldview and is associated with the choice of future profession. The specificity of the formation and development of social maturity of future socio-economic specialists in institutions of professional higher education and HEIs provides for a phased, consistent, and possible involvement of students in various activities during and after school hours. The motivational, social-action, and social-creative stages of the formation of this phenomenon in students of educational institutions of different accreditation levels are distinguished. The motivational stage involves the formation of students' orientation of motivation for social and value-based activities. It is proposed to use the educational reserves of various academic disciplines (Time Management, Training Technologies, Theoretical and Applied Principles of Management). The socio-action stage provides students with skills to carry out social and value-based activities based on their own experience. The socio-creative stage is aimed at expanding the boundaries of social interaction and providing a wide range of opportunities for social interaction at different levels. It is proposed to use discussions, role-playing games, exercises, acting training, analysis of problem situations, etc. as organizational forms and teaching methods.</em></p> Olha SOROKA, Liudmyla PETRYSHYN Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ENLIGHTENED IDEAS FOR MODERN PEACE EDUCATION. FROM KANT TO HUMBOLDT <p><strong><em>Abstract.</em></strong> <em>Amidst a backdrop of global conflict, particularly exemplified by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, peace education emerges as a key element for fostering a culture of peace and conflict resolution. This paper examines the concept of peace education by linking it to some of its philosophical foundations, particularly drawing from the Enlightenment and Neo-Humanism movements. It explores the philosophical underpinnings of peace education through the lenses of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) and Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835) by reconstructing their insights into education's role in fostering a peaceful co-existence of humanity. By leveraging these philosophical foundations, Ukraine has the potential to nurture a culture of long-lasting peace that transcends the immediate aftermath of the war, not only within its borders but also as a model for global peacebuilding efforts.</em></p> <p><em>The insights drawn from the philosophical foundations of peace education underscore the critical role of education in fostering a peaceful society. Kant's emphasis on cultivating rationality, moral autonomy, and a cosmopolitan worldview, alongside Humboldt's advocacy for self-realization, holistic development, and cultural appreciation provide a robust framework of values that are essential for contemporary peace education. Both philosophers highlight the transformative potential of education in shaping individuals who are not only knowledgeable but also morally and socially responsible. In accordance with Kant and Humboldt, peace education serves as a transformative force that empowers individuals towards autonomy, upholds human dignity, and fosters moral and intellectual growth. By nurturing these values within individuals and communities, peace education lays the foundation for a more just, peaceful, and inclusive society.</em></p> <p><em>In the midst of war, Ukraine has the opportunity to strengthen values, such as rationality, moral autonomy, holistic development, and cultural appreciation, which are fundamental components of peace education, rooted in the philosophies of Kant and Humboldt. By prioritizing these principles, Ukraine can foster a young generation who is not only knowledgeable but also equipped with the empathy, tolerance, critical thinking, and commitment to justice needed for a peaceful society. </em></p> <p><em>As Ukraine rebuilds, it is crucial to maintain a concerted focus on peace education, ensuring that it remains a central pillar in the nation's reconstruction strategy. This holistic approach, which combines the strengths of peace education with human rights education, can help create a more peaceful and equitable world. The journey towards sustainable peace is challenging, but with dedicated efforts and a robust educational framework, Ukraine can pave the way for a brighter and more peaceful future for its citizens and inspire similar transformations globally.</em></p> Sabrina Viktoria BACHER, Christian KRALER , Kateryna BINYTSKA Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OPTIMIZATION OF DISTANCE EDUCATION IN THE APPLICATION CONTEXT OF VIRTUAL CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY <p><strong><em>Annotation.</em></strong><em> The importance of distance learning with an emphasis on its efficiency, effectiveness and impact on the educational process is explored in the article.</em> <em>The key aspects that contribute to the improvement of pedagogical methods and the introduction of technological innovations in distance education are discussed. Issues of availability, quality, and variety of educational opportunities in this form of education are highlighted separately.</em> <em>It is noted that distance learning differs from traditional in many aspects, in particular, flexibility in choosing the time and place of learning, the ability to combine learning with professional activity, and wide access to educational resources.</em></p> <p><em>Particular attention is paid to the information technology aspects of distance learning, such as multimedia capabilities, interactive tools, chats, forums, and the creation of virtual classrooms for collaborative work. </em><em>The role of synchronous learning mode and virtual classes in ensuring real-time interaction between teachers and students is emphasized. Challenges of distance education, such as the ability of students to study independently, their motivation, communication, individualization of the process and identification of participants are considered in the article.</em></p> <p><em>The optimization of distance learning is defined as an important factor in the development of the modern education system, which contributes to increasing the accessibility and quality of education through the integration of information and communication technologies. The impact of the virtual educational environment on improving the quality of education is explored, where the emphasis is on creating interactivity, cooperation and knowledge exchange between participants in the educational process.</em> <em>The authors propose an algorithm for optimizing distance learning using virtual classroom technology, which includes participant needs analysis, content adaptation, technical support, and performance evaluation.</em></p> <p><em>The functionality of virtual classrooms, including video conferencing, interactive whiteboards, chat rooms, multimedia materials and tools for collaborative work, is being explored. Directions for improving the use of virtual classroom technology through the introduction of accessibility for people with disabilities and linguistic diversity, as well as the creation of "microclasses" for joint work on projects, are proposed. The importance of inclusiveness and interactivity in distance learning as a basis for creating an effective, flexible and progressive education system that meets modern requirements is emphasized in the article.</em></p> Antonina DEMIANIUK, Iryna BILOUS Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 WAYS OF FUTURE MUSIC TEACHERS’ COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE FORMING <p><strong><em>Annotation. </em></strong><em>Analysis of the scientific literature was fulfilled, which indicated the importance of the communicative competence acquisition by future music teachers since a high level of communication skills positively contributes to the professional and educational mobility of students, the successful adaptation of the individual to the changing conditions of the pedagogical reality, professional self-development and self-realization of the teacher throughout the entire conscious-professional life. The impact of dynamic changes on the development of music education, which includes various musical styles, techniques and teaching methods, is noted. The essential role of students' participation in simulated educational situations, role-playing games, and master classes under the guidance of a teacher, which serves to improve communication skills and understanding of all aspects of communication by musical art students, is noted. Attention is focused on the need for education seekers to use modern information and communication technologies and information resources for mixed forms of education, as the use of online platforms in education will facilitate the communication of future teachers without time and geographical limitations with the help of video conferences, online courses and interactive seminars. Compensation for the development of personal interaction in distance or mixed forms of education is possible with the introduction of a comprehensive model of education that combines virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies to practice teaching and communication skills using online simulation of learning and interaction in a virtual environment. It has been established that future music teachers should not only impart musical knowledge but also communicate effectively with students, parents, and colleagues during the educational process. To solve these problems, students need systematic training in communication skills. The main ways of forming communicative competencies in the professional activities of future music teachers have been studied, in particular, the participation of students in training and seminars, interdisciplinary cooperation, and family and community involvement in musical and artistic activities.</em></p> Gege ZHANG Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 METHODS OF DESIGN RESEARCH IN BRAND DESIGN TECHNOLOGY <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> This article discusses the application of design research methods in brand design technology. In the practice of graphic design, brand design technology follows a clearly defined algorithm. Design research methods serve as a key tool in the brand design algorithm, particularly during the research and hypothesis generation stages. The results of design research form the basis for formulating the brand metaphor. The ideas generated and the specific operationalized elements of the examined technology determine the thematic content of the "Corporate Identity" module in the educational component "Design Project" of the educational-professional program "Graphic Design."</p> Iryna TSIDYLO, Khrystyna TSIDYLO Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE INFLUENCE OF INNOVATIVE-PARADIGMAL APPROACHES TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS IN THE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF FUTURE OFFICERS IN THE HIGHER MILITARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS <p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong>.</strong> <em>The research raised the topical issue of the impact of innovative-paradigmatic approaches to the implementing pedagogical conditions in the professional training of future officers at the Military Academy (a higher military educational institution), based on the materials of the scientific works of Ukrainian scientists. The specified problem is not sufficiently covered in the modern scientific discourse; therefore, it needs deep analysis, detailing and coverage. It is noted that the teachers' use of innovative paradigmatic approaches to the military education system helps to establish the professionalism of the cadets, and affects their self-improvement and the acquisition of professional competence by future masters of military administration. The main approaches are defined and characterized: systemic, competence-based, person-oriented, creative, anthropological, cultural, sociological, informational and technological; their impact on improving the educational and professional training of future military specialists at the HMEI is considered. The levels of competence formation (diagnostic, political, technological and digital competence) are described. Their acquisition by cadets constitutes an individual ability to make balanced decisions and to convey one's vision to the assigned personnel. It is substantiated that innovative-paradigmatic approaches contribute to implementing pedagogical conditions in higher education institutions, which are divided into general and specific ones according to the object of influence. Pedagogical conditions are considered a properly created pedagogical environment (appears, exists and is always being improved), where the readiness of students to work in their profession is formed. Pedagogical conditions influence the development of subjects of study, their upbringing and educational level; and influence the dynamics of these processes and final results. Four pedagogical conditions that effectively influence the formation of the readiness of future officers to carry out successful professional activities are highlighted - the creation of a motivational and valuable educational environment in the process of learning academic disciplines, the deepening of the system of knowledge about the essence and mechanisms of the management of the SAS troops, supplementing the educational process with sustainable communicative and managerial interaction , implementation of means of actualization of self-development and self-improvement), each of which is meaningfully characterized and described.</em></p> Vitalii RUDYNSKYI Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE PRESENTATION OF MUSEUM COLLECTIONS: EXPERIENCE AND PROSPECTS APPLICATION IN MUSEUM PEDAGOGICS <p><em>The article explores the current state and prospects of using digital technologies in the presentation of museum collections &nbsp;</em><em>for museum pedagogy.</em><em> The author examines digitalization as a comprehensive process that encompasses various aspects of museum activities, including digitization of collections, creation of digital catalogs, analytical activities, educational programs, and digital marketing.</em></p> <p><em>The paper presents an analysis of international experience in implementing innovative technologies in museum practice, particularly the use of virtual and augmented reality, interactive exhibitions, and mobile applications. Special attention is paid to the evolution of the concept of digital presentation of museum collections and its impact on visitor interaction.</em></p> <p><em>Based on a survey of museum staff in the Ternopil region, the author assesses the current level of digitalization in regional museums. The research results show that museums are actively implementing basic digital tools such as websites and social networks but lag behind in the use of more complex technologies like virtual reality.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The article highlights specific examples of successful application of digital technologies in Ternopil region museums, including the creation of virtual exhibitions and participation in international projects for digitizing cultural heritage. The author emphasizes the importance of developing digital competencies among museum staff and the need to create a clear digital strategy for each museum, </em><em>in particular for interaction with education.</em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Based on the analysis, the author proposes a series of recommendations for improving the digitalization process in the region's museums </em><em>and use in education.</em><em>. These recommendations include focusing on creating quality digital content, developing analytical tools to evaluate online presence effectiveness, gradually introducing interactive elements into exhibitions, and strengthening cooperation between museums to exchange experiences and resources.</em></p> <p><em>The study emphasizes that digitalization opens new opportunities for museums in presenting cultural heritage, expanding audiences, and creating a more engaging experience for visitors. At the same time, the author stresses the importance of a balanced approach that preserves traditional museum values while implementing innovative technologies.</em></p> Tetiana LEBID Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF MINORITY SCHOOLS IN THE PODILIA GOVERNORATE IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE 19TH CENTURY <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><em>: This article examines the formation and development of the education system for national minorities, including Polish and German schools and Jewish communities, within the Podilia Governorate during the second half of the 19th century. It notes that Podilia was home to diverse ethnic groups, including Poles, Jews, and Germans, making it a contested space where communities strived to preserve their identities, languages, and cultures amid increasing restrictions.</em></p> <p><em>The study summarizes the key factors shaping minority education development as the Russian imperial education policy and the communities’ resilience to adapt to limitations. On one hand, imperial education policies aimed to consolidate control by restricting the use of minority languages and cultural education, thereby promoting assimilation. On the other hand, despite such pressures, minority communities mobilized their resources to maintain schools that served as hubs for cultural preservation.</em></p> <p><em>During this period, Polish schools incorporated programs that included the study of Polish language and culture. However, after the uprisings of 1830 and 1863, the Russian government curtailed their activities, gradually shifting instruction to the Russian language. Nonetheless, the Polish nobility continued to provide financial support to private institutions where Polish language instruction was retained.</em></p> <p><em>Jewish communities in Podilia maintained traditional religious schools, such as cheders and yeshivas, yet imperial reforms encouraged the establishment of state-funded schools where Russian was partially used as the language of instruction. These changes allowed Jewish students to receive modern education while preserving essential cultural elements.</em></p> <p><em>A defining characteristic of German schools in Protestant colonies was the high level of organizational quality in their educational processes, supported by Lutheran traditions. Although authorities pressured these schools to adopt Russian as the medium of instruction—leading to conflicts with the colonial population—the German colonists strove to preserve national characteristics within their educational systems.</em></p> <p><em>Overall, the development of minority education in the Podilia Governorate during the second half of the 19th century illustrates a complex interplay between imperial policies and local initiatives, wherein communities sought to preserve their identities.</em></p> Kateryna BINYTSKA, Iurii SHCHERBIAK Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000